
1. How social and economic forces shape patterns of inequality--in family formation, wealth, and child well-being.

Local Economic Conditions and Patterns of Family Instability and Complexity

In-progress postdoctoral project, funded by NICHD (F32)

Role: PI

Absolute Wealth Mobility in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Published in Population Research and Policy Review

Joe LaBriola and Jake J. Hays

[PDF] [Replication materials]

Delayed Adulthood, Delayed Desistance? A Brief Report on Changing Age Schedules of Risky Behaviors

Published in Emerging Adulthood

Jake J. Hays, Sarah R. Hayford, and Frank F. Furstenberg

[PDF] [Replication materials]

2. How childhood circumstances and family context shape health and well-being across the life course

Multipartner Fertility and Psychological Distress: Evidence for Social Selection

Published in Population Research and Policy Review

Jake J. Hays

[PDF] [Replication materials]

Age at First Sex and Adult Mental Health in Nicaragua

Published in Demographic Research 

Jake J. Hays and Kammi K. Schmeer

[PDF] [Replication materials on site]

3. Describing patterns of family formation and family processes across the life course.

Nonresident Parent Wealth among Children

Forthcoming at Demography

Jake J. Hays and Paula Fomby

Does Sibling Composition in Childhood Contribute to Adult Fertility Behaviors?

Published in Journal of Marriage and Family

Jake J. Hays and Karen Benjamin Guzzo


Multipartner Fertility in Nicaragua: Complex Family Formation in a Low-Income Setting

Published in International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 

Kammi K. Schmeer and Jake J. Hays